26 July 2019

Too much...

Last year I took on my allotment, in addition to my own home kitchen garden.  At the time I wondered if it was a bit too ambitious.  Well, I'm still wondering...

Most of the seeds I put down have been swamped by weeds--the exception being the tall peas which went down very early (in February), which had enough of a headstart to outgrow them.  The dwarf peas and broad beans didn't have that advantage, but their weeds grew after they'd reached their full height, so didn't hamper their potential either. 

However, nearly everything else is just pathetic.  There are small carrots and beets, but probably not worth having now.  The husband and I sheet mulched a large section which had spring onion and lettuce seed--there were a few in there, but after three months and still the size of seedlings, I was willing to admit defeat.

The whole patch isn't a complete write off just yet--the pumpkins and potatoes seem to be doing well, and there are some climbing beans forming.  The Brussels sprouts seem to be all right too.  All of these except the beans were planted directly into holes cut in the cardboard sheet mulch;  the beans have been hand weeded carefully.

When it comes to weeds, I "chop and drop;" though I do try to pull them up by the roots if possible, I'm not too bothered if I can't get them.  At this time of year in particular (hot and dry-ish) I'll chop and drop at home in my kitchen garden too--though there are much fewer weeds and they are more likely to come up by the roots (soft soil).  If it's cool and wet though, this kind of mulch is prime slug habitat so it's not something I swear by. 

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