05 July 2019

Staying in

Instead of going out and enjoying my garden, I'm hiding inside because of hayfever.  Last summer was so hot and dry that the grass flowered quickly (thankfully it's only grass pollen so I'm not suffering all year like some people)--I wasn't affected for too long.  It's been bothering me for about a month this year--hope it finishes soon.

So some things are being put off:  I have way too many snap peas and mange tout peas because I haven't been out picking them.  The broad beans got kind of overwhelming at one point too, but I think they're just about over now.  I might try brining/fermenting the snap peas if I can get out there long enough to hunt them all out.  The son helped me pick a bowl of mange tout for our dinner yesterday but we gave up after we filled the bowl--there are still too many out there.

I've also not been spending time with the chickens and ducks--I like to sit out with them a couple times a week at least;  I'm not sure they still remember me!  The son has been doing most of their care recently, but no one's been socializing with them, poor things.

I tried drinking nettle leaf tea in previous years but have given that up as it seemed to have no effect.  I read a suggestion to sting myself with nettles instead;  preliminary testing seems to give temporary relief, but I'm not sure if it's truly the nettles or simply a coincidence.  If it was a choice between nettle stings and hayfever, the nettle wins hands down--but I really can't be running out to the nettle patch at all hours, particularly after bedtime. 

Thankfully most of the hard work is now done, both at home and at the allotment.  I've been muscling through when I have no choice, and staying indoors looking wistfully out the window otherwise.

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