19 February 2019

Starting in spring (a little)

A few more jobs around the garden, as it's been a warm-ish dry-ish week.  Today the husband took down four or five overgrown hawthorns at the back edge of the property;  they are meant to be a hedge (a legacy from a previous owner) but had obviously never been trimmed, as they were very emphatically trees.  Luckily they were close enough together to restrict their growth, and their entwining branches also meant there was less chance of them crashing down onto the neighbor's nearby shed during felling.  They all came down safely (the husband used a hand saw!) and we will gradually cut them up for future firewood, including the sticks and twigs. 

I took five gooseberry cuttings earlier this week, which completes my fruit cuttings for this year.  However, there are a couple errant raspberries which need digging up and moving.  I don't have a lot of them, so any increase in number is good;  they just have to be kept within their own area.

The husband also took two divisions off the artichokes, cutting away rooted shoots and replanting nearby.  If they grow, I'll have doubled my stock!  I love artichokes and I hope to harvest more than just a handful a year, particularly as these ones aren't big to begin with (the plants are though).

I've got snowdrops and daffodils out back, and the rhubarb is unfurling.  It feels like spring.

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