08 February 2019

In the allotment, February 2019

As I might have mentioned before, all chickens are now back at home, as the roof of their tractor blew off in high winds and has not yet been repaired.  They did some good work up there, for about four months, eating grass and weeds and fertilizing liberally.

I managed to finish covering the majority of the plot with some big sheets of cardboard scavenged from my work--they had a delivery of some new large smartboards and I nicked the boxes from the bin yard;  they were so big that even folded, I could only pack two at a time in my car.  The sections I covered in early autumn are now pretty much fully broken down and ready to be raked and planted.  The first thing to go up there, hopefully later this month, will be some broad beans.

Actually, I'm miffed that I can't find the seeds I bought myself for Christmas, including some new broad beans.  I've got one packet still, about 50 seeds, but I don't know what happened to the others.  Since they're not with the rest of my seeds, the husband speculated that maybe they were accidentally thrown out with the Christmas wrapping paper:  as I can't think where else they'd be, he may be right.

The cabbages I planted out last autumn are still present, though most of them are small and sad.  There's one good sized one, and about three other medium ones, but none are forming heads.  I did, however, discover a self-sown leek growing in the center of the plot, amongst the weeds.  I look forward to many more.

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