- Extend vegetable self sufficiency by 1 month (7 months total)
- Set up a chicken coop at the allotment
Make/obtain a cold frame for the allotmentRaise at least one batch of chicks
- Fully self sufficient in vegetables and seasonal fruit
Raising/breeding meat and replacement layers- Greenhouse erected
Read 2017's goals here.
Read 2016's goals here.
Looking at my 1 year goals, I thought it would be pretty easy but turns out I was wrong. Technically we did set up a chicken coop at the allotment, and we kept chickens in it, but it was only a temporary set up, and when the roof blew off in high winds, that was the end of that.
The extension of veg self sufficiency by one month was also not achieved, for reasons explained at the time.
But on to the (small) successes: I definitely set up a cold frame at the allotment and grew beetroot and lettuce in it, and we raised a batch of nine chicks--or our two broody hens did. This also provided us with four new layers and five spare cockerels for meat, per the 5 year goal. I've managed this chicken goal for a few years now so I may take it off 5 year list.
No greenhouse yet, though we were pretty well sufficient in seasonal fruit. In fact, we haven't been buying much fruit at all for about five months, but eating our stored/preserved fruits--though we did buy oranges for Christmas; maybe when I get that greenhouse I'll get an orange tree.