15 January 2019

Grand total for garden food, 2018

Well, here it is.  I harvested from 1 Jan 2018 to 31 December 2018:

153 lb vegetables

859 eggs

(This doesn't count my garlic or squash harvest, both of which were unweighed.)

My totals for last year were higher at 201 lb of veg and 1643 eggs.  Considering that I didn't grow potatoes this year (and grew 45 lb of them last year), I feel I did pretty well.  However, only half the amount of eggs?  A disgrace!  Especially since we supported a flock of similar sizes both years.  I'll discuss our chicken situation in a later post.

Most of my fruit, like last year, was unweighed, and with just a small increase from last year's--but I beat the total apple harvest by a mile:  more than a hundred from each tree, compared to just two from each tree in 2017 (though I'm not counting on such a glorious harvest two years in a row). 

All in all, it was a good year, and a good harvest, and we're still eating some of the preserved veg, as well as fresh.  I hope to beat 2018's, and 2017's harvests in 2019.  In fact, I hope to beat it by a lot more than just a few pounds.  Here's to another successful gardening year!

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