13 August 2024

Making water kimchi

So, remember when I posted that I wanted to grow my own kimchi?  At the time it felt like a distant possibility, but I actually made some last week!  I didn't make the usual cabbage kimchi as my cabbages are still growing, and I'm checking them religiously for caterpillars to keep them that way.  My pak choi is also not ready, but actually looks pretty good and might be within a few more weeks (this is fully enclosed in netting).  No, I made dongchimi with kohlrabi.

I'm a newbie to Korean cuisine but I enjoy watching cooking videos on youtube, and Korean cooking is one of my favorites;  it seems to be heavy on the vegetables--my kind of food.  And I'm particularly intrigued by the fermented foods, which are described as different kinds of kimchi.  Dongchimi, sometimes translated as water kimchi, I gather is made with daikon radish, but I figure kohlrabi is similar enough, so armed with that thought I made kohlrabi dongchimi.

I harvested 12 kohlrabi from my kitchen garden at home, and I might add I hardly made a dent in the bed (though I need to harvest more to make room for lettuces, fennel and the newest pak choi).  These 12 weighed in at 4.5 lb, a good haul I thought!  I peeled and sliced them thinly before packing them in a 3.3 L jar with onion, garlic, ginger, salt, fish sauce and chili flakes.  The jar is now bubbling away merrily on my counter (and the brine already tastes amazing).  I hope to start eating it in the next week or so.

Last year I was running out of jars because of cucumber pickles, maybe this year it'll be kimchi.

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