19 September 2023

Pickles everywhere

After a lot of back and forth, I decided to pick all the remaining green tomatoes at the allotment;  while most of the plants show evidence of blight, it's still pretty mild and hasn't affected much of the fruit (yet).  Well when I say all the tomatoes:  that was indeed my intention, but after filling a big bag full I had to stop at about halfway.

I made my usual green tomato pickle with them, but ran out of jars--again--before I ran out of tomatoes.  I absolutely love this pickle, which is more like a sour salsa really.  In fact, for this batch I used the same pickle ingredients but blended it up into a chunky paste like salsa, and left it to ferment for two days on my countertop.  Now it is so so tasty--even tastier than the chunky pickle I love so much.

I am also still not quite finished making cucumber pickles, as the plants refuse to give up:  I'm reduced to making them in a large plastic ice cream tub from my work, as I'm completely out of jars.  Currently I have three each of the 1.8 L jars of green tomato pickle and cucumber pickles, plus a 3.3 L of cucumber and another 3.3 which is mostly cucumber but has some other random veg (this is a fermented pickle rather than a vinegar pickle, and the one I keep dipping into and topping up again).  My fridge and countertop are both full--the husband is even hinting about getting another small fridge just for pickles...

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