12 October 2018

Peppers, 2018

Many green peppers growing on a plant
So many! Sep 2018
I took a chance this year, and raised some peppers from seed.  I bought a pack of seeds in a £1 sale at the end of (a warm-ish dry-ish) summer last year.  I thought I'd grow them in planters in my warm micro-climate on the patio near the house, though realistically their prospects were doubtful in our usually cool summers.  Little did I guess what kind of summer we'd have this year--I took a chance and got incredibly lucky!

I harvested the very first red pepper this week.  I was initially unsure if it was sweet or hot, as I raised two varieties and there was a slight labelling mix-up.  I had a good look at the packet descriptions and decided it was assuredly a sweet pepper, and therefore picked it along with some tomatoes, lettuce and achocha for a salad. 

When slicing it up, I took a tiny sliver to taste, just to be absolutely sure;  the son isn't good with hot things, and I'm not a huge fan either.  Well, it turns out my diagnosis was incorrect:  my lips burned for the rest of the day!

Even though I don't really like hot/picante food, I'd rather have hot peppers than sweet ones as the husband does;  I want to make him some hot sauce, tabasco style.  There are a couple dozen peppers out there, most of them green (a few turning colors), but still very suitable. 

That one red pepper got chopped finely and chucked in the freezer to wait with the tomatoes until Red Salsa Day (when my No-Buy Veg Challenge ends 27 November and I can buy onions).  Though I did put a couple small slivers on the husband's salad.

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