24 January 2023


It's getting lighter in the afternoons, after a very dark midwinter.  We get very little winter sun most of the time;  even if it's clear (unusual), the sun rises late and sets early.  It's still definitely too dark, but at least we've at the point where it's starting to feel like there will be spring sometime in the future.

We had a prolonged cold snap in December--almost two weeks without a thaw;  we're coming out of another one now, though this one has only been one week.  I like to have a sustained frost in the garden, to set back the slugs and bugs;  if we don't have one I know it'll be a bumper year for them (and a bad year for me).  Thankfully no snow (yet).

On the other hand, a frost means no real work for me in the garden.  I have been thinking about starting some onion seeds (indoors) and maybe the first batch of broad beans;  I need some potting soil.  I've done a little bit of pruning, and have been gradually working on the new batch of firewood:  cutting it to stove lengths and splitting a few pieces too.  However I'm still in hibernation mode, probably for another month at least.

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