21 September 2021

Into autumn, 2021

I feel like we've been lucky with a fairly warm and sunny September so far, which has extended the harvest of zucchinis and French beans, among others.  The squashes have produced one or two new fruits this month too, though they may not have time to ripen fully;  they're good whether ripe or immature so I'm not too concerned.

The sweetcorn has all been harvested now, along with all the artichokes, apples, figs and plums.  We still have a few meals of carrots, lettuce, raddicchio, beets; and many more meals of chard!  The chard's really big this year.

Today I planted out the spring cabbages at the allotment;  there are already Brussels sprouts, winter cabbage and purple sprouting broccoli there, transplanted out in summer.  All of these have had some caterpillar damage and none are particularly big.  I hope the spring cabbages fare a little better--at least caterpillar season is just about over till next summer, by which time these should be already harvested.

Mainly I've been trying to get some autumn sunshine while it lasts, whether at home or at the allotment, and enjoying the harvest as it comes in.  Again, I didn't grow enough to meet our storage needs over winter/spring, but we have a little and should have fresh veg anyway (chard of course).

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