All the action is at the allotment right now: the most exciting thing happening at home is the kitchen window filled up with seed trays--most of which will be planted out at the allotment! Some seedlings in the kitchen garden are sprouting (pretty much all root veg this year) but it's mainly a waiting game here; the allotment's where it's at. Warning: allotment photos to follow!
The view from the allotment track, Apr 2021 |
However, we try to get a good couple hours in at the weekends. This past weekend I cleared the remains of the leek bed of grass/weeds and spread compost over the top. I also sheet mulched another (small) grassy bed further down with cardboard, paper feed sacks and straw on top. I also put down a few dozen sticks for the peas to climb up; they're just emerging now, both snap peas and regular ones.
Raspberry canes and a partial tool shed at the allotment, Apr 2021 |
And the husband put together a ramshackle tool shed out of odds and ends we'd scavenged from the allotment rubbish heap and our own garage. He also dug out a wheelbarrow of compost and topped up the newest bin with fresh horse manure from the stables on site.
We are still eating the last small leeks, a few lettuces, and the somewhat scanty purple sprouting broccoli. The garlic and broad beans are looking sturdy and some of the strawberries are beginning to flower. Next month I'll hopefully be planting out the summer veg: pumpkins, sweetcorn, French and runner beans, and more; and a little later on I should be transplanting the autumn and winter brassicas. It's shaping up to be a good season.
A few leeks left, Apr 2021 |