Seedlings everywhere! Apr 2020 |
It's been a busy gardening month, with the husband and son pitching in quite a lot of the labor. The daughter and I have been taking it a bit slower, and we're all getting used to life with four in the house. I'm not up to full strength after birth six weeks ago, as I'm still anemic following a hemorrhage. I'm getting stronger, but the husband and son still have to do the heavy lifting. Even the daughter is a bit of a heavy lift for me (though they think she's pretty heavy themselves).
Even more! Apr 2020 |
And of course, present circumstances mean the son is home all day with me and the daughter; the husband is a key worker, though he was able to take about a month off work after birth, and I certainly put him to good use, particularly at the allotment. Potatoes and peas have been planted, and peas are now coming up everywhere. The various seeds sown there seem not to have appeared (or more likely have been munched by slugs), and the cabbages I transplanted have had some damage too. Win some, lose some, I guess. I was mentioning this to a friend actually: I've been gardening for about 15 years now and I still lose more than I win. Oh well.
Laxton Fortune apple tree, Apr 2020 |
I can't guarantee a regular blog schedule at the moment, as the daughter takes up a lot of my time--I can't seem to type very well while she's awake, and while she's asleep there always seems something more pressing to do: eating, bathing, taking a nap...
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