My treasure, Sep 2018 |
Squash! I had a nice compliment from a friend of the son (aged eight), about my "pumpkins." They may be pumpkin shaped, but are a much more beautiful color. There is at least one more still growing in the garden, though a good size, it formed late and may not have time to ripen. These ripe squashes will keep nicely until later this autumn or winter, when the fresh veg is scarce.
The younger squash, Sep 2018 |
I have a pumpkin of my own too. It's the tiniest specimen, but a little pumpkin is better than no pumpkin; it may be destined for a bit of carving next month. We were given a huge culinary pumpkin from a fellow allotmenter (I think his generosity was due to the overwhelmingly prolific pumpkin harvest he had). This gift pumpkin put my own to shame--but I also saved seed from it, so maybe I'll get a massive pumpkin harvest next year too (I can only hope).
Summer squash, on the other hand, has been disappointing. Only about four or five smallish zuccinis, and even fewer patty pan squashes. Here too, we were given extremely large examples from another allotmenter. I've been put to shame...though luckily only you and I know it.
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