After such a wet July, I guess it's not too much of a surprise that my tomatoes have been infected with blight. It doesn't happen every year, but it's not particularly uncommon either: just as they were starting to ripen too. The ones at the allotment are showing early signs of it, but the ones at home have been blackening for longer; these I have mostly pulled up, leaving two plants which have clusters of yellow/orange tomatoes, not yet blighted (though the plants are). I'll give them another couple of days with my fingers crossed.
The cherry toms at the allotment are all sorry with it, though I've gotten a few ripe ones off them; the regular toms are sprawling all over them. I sowed a tray of each and planted the regular and plum toms at home and the cherries at the allotment; except somehow most of the cherry toms ended up being regular toms. None of the regular toms turned out to be cherries, so I definitely didn't mix up the trays. Anyway, the regular toms are only showing the first signs of blight, but if I want any harvest off them I'll have to pick them within the next few days, green though they are.
I've made two 1.8 L jars of green tomato salsa (brined/fermented) and put what red tomatoes I could salvage into the freezer for future pizza sauce. I'll probably make a big jar of pickled toms and cucumbers with the rest of the green ones at the allotment: I've run out of those 1.8 L jars but I still have a 3.3 L jar, and while there's probably not enough toms to fill it, there's definitely enough cucs. I have a great recipe for bottled green salsa, but I like the fermented kind even more; I just need to make room in my fridge for it.
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