24 May 2019

Getting it all planted

I'm making my big spring push to get everything planted by the end of this month.  All the seeds have been sown (mainly), and lots of seedlings have been transplanted--most of them at the allotment this year.  The Misc bed is going to be pretty much only tomatoes and celery here in the garden;  the zuccinis, cucumbers, achocha, squashes and pumpkins have all gone to the allotment.

I may have mentioned already that I'm not doing dedicated beds at the allotment this year (though I still am here in the garden);  everything is being planted in rows, and I started at the top of the plot and have reached about 2/3 of the way down now.  The final third is pretty much just grass, which three chickens are faithfully tractoring for us--it'll be a lovely lawn by the time they're finished!  I plan on sheet mulching it over winter, but for now it's fine uncultivated so long as it's feeding chickens.

But back to planting:  all kinds of beans and peas have gone down, most of which growing well.  The broad beans at the allotment are flowering, but no harvest just yet.  I've got summer cabbages, broccoli and cauliflower planted out, some there and some here.  There are still Brussels sprouts and curly kale to transplant:  hopefully by this weekend.  I also have a couple trays of flower seedlings that still need a home too;  I might put a few around the edges of the veg patch, and maybe some at the front of the house (where no chickens or ducks will destroy them).

Things are looking good.  It's great having so much room to plant stuff;  I can't believe I used to squeeze all this stuff just here in the garden!  In fact, I found it quite odd planting pumpkins three feet apart:  normally I give them about 10 inches.

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