16 October 2018

Dipping into my stores

To keep up our daily veg intake, and in order not to break my No-Buy Veg Challenge, we've been eating a little more from the pantry and freezer this month.  While it continues to be fairly mild temperature-wise, there is a definite lack of sunlight hours now we're in the middle of October.  Harvest is slowing down.  I'm slowing down too, getting ready for a bit of a rest over winter;  I've put in plenty of work this growing season!

I'm glad I've got a bag and a half of cabbage in the freezer, and several jars of sauerkraut--not to mention all the dried chard (and their stems, still frozen).  I've been throwing them into stews and other slow cooker meals.  And all the while, I'm still drying greens:  just last week I hung up a string of nasturtium leaves to dry (the plants have put out a surge of new growth after being mauled by caterpillars this summer).

We've baked a squash or two, saving them for our Sunday roast dinner;  the slow trickle of runner beans still coming from the garden get served on Sunday too, where I like to have at least three different vegetables--or more.

And we even cracked open a jar of zuccini relish:  first served with hot dogs, then added as a salad garnish and even padded out a stew (when I made it, I cubed rather than grated the zuccini which retained a nice crunch).

Just to clarify:  no vegetables may be bought during the Challenge, but all fruits are allowed, including "salad" fruits;  however, as such I've only been buying cucumber for the son to put in his lunch.  And we are allowed to eat veg obtained for free:  gifts, trades, etc.  I never turn down free veg, and have been actively ingratiating myself to any fellow allotmenters I happen to meet up there: "Hi!  I'm new;  my name is _____.  Wow, your _____ looks amazing!"

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