23 February 2018

A few seeds here and there

Though it's still cold out there, it's also noticeably lighter in the mornings and evenings than a month ago.  We've had our first daffodil open, and a snowdrop or two.  Spring's coming!

March is the month it all kicks off, but there are things to begin in February too.  I've got onions and leeks sprouting on the kitchen windowsill (plus some flowers and geranium cuttings).  I planted out some pre-sprouted peas;  I should really put another batch to sprout--there's some spring broad beans just thinking about it too.  I'll plant them out in a few days (the autumn sown ones are putting out a few more leaves, growing slowly).

I organize my seeds by the month I usually sow them, and I still have a handful of varieties to sow, nearly all to start in trays indoors.  So even though I'm still spending most of my day inside (I've got loads of knitting done this winter), the warm ups have begun.

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